
After going back to my sketchbook and choosing the name mondrian I sketched out a few ideas all based around mondrians art and I think they were much stronger than my initial ideas. I went through the same process as before and went onto illustrator to replicate my ideas. I think these ones did also work better digitally than the last as they were very modular which also worked with my font. All of them are below.Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 19.48.42Everyone agreed that that bottom right one looked the most effective but did need some more work. I also decided to edit my ‘m’ as a lot of people were saying it looked like an f on its side however I might edit it further still. I did decide to take people advice on the bottom right design and look at it in a few different ways. I did also really like the top left design because of its simplicity so I wanted to try and incorporate that into the stronger design.

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I played around with colour, pattern and font but I still believed that the primary colours and my own font worked the best. The patterns were too overwhelming and the different fonts just didn’t look strong enough. I did really love the layout involving the ‘museum of texture & pattern’ copy so i think i may use this. I did still really like some of my other designs so I think i’m going to take all of these forward just to see which ones worked the best in the poster format although I am leaning more towards this one.

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